Presentations available

Presentations from the 22nd May 2013 meeting on Supporting international students are now available from the Past meetings pages.

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Successful Spring 2013 meeting

Forty-six delegates attended another inspiring USTLG meeting on Supporting international students at Leeds University on 22nd May 2013.

Many thanks to our speakers, who provided varied viewpoints on the challenges of supporting these diverse users, whether they are studying at partner institutions or campuses abroad, or coming to the UK and encountering the ‘library shock’ of getting to grips with our practices and terminology.

Thanks to Knovel for sponsoring the meeting and to Sara Thornes and colleagues at Leeds University for their excellent organisation and engaging library tours.

Thank you to Moira Bent for chairing the meeting and making first time USTLG members feel welcome.

Our dedicated tweeters were keeping those who couldn’t make it up to date via #ustlg and Lynne Meehan has produced a Storify on the USTLG Spring 2013 Meeting – Supporting International Students page.  Presentations from the meeting will be uploaded to this page soon.

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USTLG Meeting 22nd May 2013 Full Programme

The next meeting of the UK University Science and Technology Librarians’ Group (USTLG) will be held on: Wednesday 22nd May 2013

Theme: Supporting international students

Venue: Edward Boyle Library, University of Leeds
Directions to the campus
Directions for the Edward Boyle Library

Lunch: The usual charge is waived thanks to Knovel

Please book by emailing the booking form below to Sara Thornes,

10.00am – 10.30am:  Tour of the Edward Boyle & Brotherton Libraries – book in advance.
10.30am – 10.55am:  Arrive and register (tea/coffee).
11.00am – 11.05am:  Dr Stella Butler, University Librarian, Leeds: Welcome.
11.05am – 11.10am:  Moira Bent, Newcastle: Welcome on behalf of USTLG.
11.10am – 11.40am:  Simon Maller, Head of Taught Postgraduate Admissions & Jacqui Brown, Head of International Office, Leeds, “International recruitment: issues and challenges facing the sector in a highly competitive market”.
11.40am – 12.10pm:  Zelda Chatten, Liverpool, “XJTLU: Liverpool’s joint venture with a Chinese university”.
12.10am – 12.40pm: Kirsty Carver, Bradford “Supporting international students at the University of Bradford”.
12.40pm – 1.40pm:  Lunch (sponsored by Knovel).
1.40pm – 2.10pm:  Tim Moxey, Product Sales Manager, Knovel.
2.10pm – 2.40pm:  Moira Bent & Jenny Campbell, Newcastle “Notes from a distant island: library experiences from Newcastle’s International Branch Campus in Singapore”.
2.40pm – 3.10pm:  Jenny Coombs, Nottingham, “The University of Nottingham: moving towards a global university”.
3.10pm – 3.40pm: Alison Lahlafi, Sheffield Hallam, “’Library shock’ – addressing the expectations and realities of the library for international students at Sheffield Hallam University.”
4.00pm – 4.30pm:  Tour of the Edward Boyle & Brotherton Libraries – book in advance. 

Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. You can book your place with Sara Thornes,

Please remember to state if you would like to go on one of the tours and at which time. Please mention any special dietary requirements you have, as well as any accessibility requirements.


Booking form   USTLG Meeting: Supporting international students, Wednesday 22 May 2013 


Job title:


I will require lunch (the usual charge is waived thanks to sponsorship from Knovel)
Please complete further details below
Special dietary requirements:
None [ ]
Vegetarian [ ]
Vegan [ ]
Other [ ]

Access or other specific requirements:

I would like to attend a tour of the Edward Boyle and Brotherton libraries at:
10.00am [ ]
4.00pm [ ]

I am happy for my name, job title, institution and email address to appear on a delegate list given out at the meeting: Yes/No


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Call for speakers and bookings open: May 2013 Leeds meeting

The Next meeting page has been updated with an outline programme and booking information for our 22nd May 2013 meeting at the University of Leeds.

We have a good range of speakers on the subject of Supporting international students – we just need a couple more to fill the programme.  If you would like to speak, please contact Carole Rhodes.

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USTLG meeting Spring 2013

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 22nd May 2013 at the University of Leeds.

The theme will be “Supporting international students”.

If you would like to be a speaker please contact Carole Rhodes.

Programme and booking information to follow.

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Presentations now available

Presentations from the 4th December 2012 meeting on Engaging science and technology students are now available from the Past meetings pages.  Also a report of the day and a summary of #USTLG tweets.

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Successful Winter 2012 meeting

Thank you to our informative – and engaging! – speakers, our enthusiastic delegates and our welcoming hosts at the University of Portsmouth Library.  Presentations will appear on the Website soon.

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USTLG Meeting 4th December 2012 Full Programme

The next meeting of the UK University Science and Technology Librarians’ Group (USTLG) will be held on: Tuesday 4th December 2012

Location: University of Portsmouth

Theme: Engaging science and technology students

Venue: Library Seminar Room No.2,
Ground Floor of the University of Portsmouth Library

Lunch: The usual charge is waived thanks to the University of Portsmouth Library

Please book by emailing the booking form below to Andy Barrow,


10.00am – 10.30am:  Tour of the Library – book in advance
10.30am – 11.00am:  Arrive and register (tea/coffee)
11.00am – 11.10am:  Roisin Gwyer, University Librarian, Portsmouth: Welcome
11.10am – 11.15am: Carole Rhodes, Liverpool: Welcome on behalf of USTLG
11.15am – 11.55am:  Linda Humphreys, Bath: “Engaging chemistry students: finding data and drawing compounds”
11.55am – 12.30pm:   Timothy Collinson and Emily White, Portsmouth: “Engaging students with social networking”
12.30pm – 1.45pm:   Lunch (sponsored by University of Portsmouth Library)
1.45pm – 3.00pm:  Adam Edwards, Middlesex: “It’s a library knockout! engagement activity”
3.00pm – 3.30pm:   Tour of the Library – book in advance

Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. You can book your place with Andy Barrow,
Please remember to state if you would like to go on one of the tours and at which time. Please mention any special dietary requirements you have, as well as any accessibility requirements.


USTLG Meeting: Engaging science and technology students, Tuesday 4 December 2012

Booking form


Job title(s):


Please reserve [ ] place(s)

I/We will require lunch (please complete further details below)
Special dietary requirements:
None [ ]
Vegetarian [ ]
Vegan [ ]
Other [ ]

Access or other specific requirements:

I/we would like to attend a tour of University of Portsmouth Library at:
10.00am [ ]
3.00pm [ ]

I am happy for my name, job title, institution and email address to appear on a delegate list given out at the meeting: Yes/No


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Winter 2012 Meeting

The date for the next USTLG meeting will be Tuesday 4th December 2012

It will be taking place at University of Portsmouth and has the theme Engaging users and meeting expectations

If you would like to be a speaker please contact  Carole Rhodes.

Full programme to follow


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Spring 2012 Meeting

After a another great meeting we’ve been busy collecting all of our speakers’ presentations and uploading them to the past meetings page. The examples which Kirsty Thomson promised to circulate have also been added to the meeting page alongside her presentation.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to once again thank all of our speakers and congratulate the organising group for another fantastic event. There were a number of interesting suggestions for the new website raised at the meeting, which we plan to start work on shortly. In the meantime if anyone else would like to feedback their ideas we’d love to hear them. There are a number of ways to get in touch – you can leave your comments on here, send us tweets or email Lynne and myself.

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