Category Archives: Meeting

Slides for the 2024 USTLG meeting

It was wonderful to meet so many Science and Technology Librarians at Imperial College London at USTLG 2024, which took place on the 15th May 2024. Thanks to our hosts for their warm welcome, for the use of their excellent … Continue reading

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USTLG meeting 15th May 2024 programme

The next meeting of the University Science and Technology Librarians’ Group (USTLG) will be held on 15th May 2024. Theme: Experiences of sci-tech librarianship. Venue: Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London, London SW7 2DB. Attendance at the meeting is free: the usual charge … Continue reading

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USTLG meeting 15th May 2024 and organising group

The next meeting of the University Science and Technology Librarians’ Group (USTLG) will be held on Wednesday 15th May 2024 at Imperial College, London, sponsored by CAS. A new USTLG organising group is being convened to plan this and future … Continue reading

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Spring 2023 presentations available

It was wonderful to meet in person again at the University of Sheffield on 17th May 2023.  Great to see familiar faces and also to welcome new members of the group.  Thank you to our hosts for their warm welcome and … Continue reading

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USTLG meeting 17th May 2023

The next face-to-face meeting of the University Science and Technology Librarians’ Group will take place on Wednesday 17th May 2023 at the University of Sheffield. To celebrate meeting in person again, we’d like to invite speakers from the group to talk … Continue reading

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Future USTLG meetings

Thank you for all the supportive suggestions about future USTLG meetings. There is appetite for face-to-face meetings to facilitate informal networking, making connections and getting to know other sci-tech librarians. We could have a half-day meeting online during the autumn … Continue reading

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June 2022 meeting cancelled

Unfortunately we’ve not had enough sign-ups to make the June 2022 meeting viable, so we’ve taken the difficult decision to cancel. Please drop a line to Carole Rhodes with your ideas for future meetings: online or in-person, best time of the year to meet, sci-tech … Continue reading

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USTLG meeting 24th June 2022: bookings open and call for speakers

We are excited to hold our first face-to-face meeting of the University Science & Technology Librarians’ Group in two years.  Please join us at the University of Kent for this event on Friday 24th June 2022. The meeting theme is … Continue reading

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Spring 2020 presentations available

A very successful online meeting was held on 15th May 2020 with over 50 attendees. Many thanks to our hosts at the Open University, who really showed us how to do an brilliant online meeting! Thank you to our inspiring … Continue reading

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Online USTLG meeting 15th May 2020

The next meeting of the University Science and Technology Librarians’ Group (USTLG) will be held on Friday 15th May 2020 Online meeting via Adobe Connect hosted by the Open University Theme: eTextbooks, licensing and digital content in STEM  Book your place via … Continue reading

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