USTLG Spring 2012 Meeting – Being a Science/Engineering Librarian

Research Beehive in the Old Library Building, University of Newcastle

THEME: Being a Science/Engineering Librarian

So, what does it mean to be a subject librarian? 

Jenny Campbell
Newcastle University

Presentation (PDF)
The Environment and Technology librarian: a new professional’s perspective, making the role your own 

Emma Illingworth
University of Brighton

Presentation (PDF)
Embedding information literacy teaching within Engineering 

Liz Martin
De Montfort University

Presentation (PDF)
Making yourself indispensible – Science Community Librarianship 

Steve Lee
University of Glamorgan

Presentation (PDF)
Supporting serious research: rankings, funding, impact and databases for uncovering hidden gems 

Keith Furniss

Presentation (PDF)
From Soviet Studies to Science and Engineering 

Jenny Brine
Lancaster University

Presentation (PDF)
All Change! Restructuring Academic Liaison 

Selina Lock
University of Leicester

Presentation (PDF)
Hiding library training in other classes 

Kirsty Thomson
Heriot-Watt University

Presentation (PDF) 

Examples (PDF)

Widening Participation: building on the role of a science librarian 

Tony Wilson
University of York

Presentation (PDF)
Find out more… 

University Science and Technology Librarians Group Meeting #USTLG (Emma Illingworth)

USTLG Tweet Round-up (PDF) (Kirsty Thomson)

USTLG Spring 2012 Meeting – Being a Science/Engineering Librarian (Selina Lock)


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