
Following the Spring 2012 Meeting we’ve been thinking of ways to implement some of the suggestions, outlined in Jenny Brine’s presentation. What you’ll find in this area of the website is a list of useful resources for science and technology librarians. We want to regularly add to the list and keep information up-to-date so please get in touch if you have any suggestions.


Study Guides


Ideas to keep up to date with subject:

  • SLA webinars and discussion lists, including various divisions covering a variety of subjects and sectors
  • Visit your local Café Scientifique
  • Listen to science radio programmes
  • Think about joining a MOOC
  • It may be worth scanning some of the more accessible newsy journals, to get an idea of hot topics in research in your areas.  For example: New Scientist/Chemistry World/Physics World/ Mathematics Today and Computing

Ideas to keep up to date with departments

  • Attend Departmental seminars and other research events
  • Access departmental VLE
  • Access departmental publications
  • Attend Staff: Student Liaison Committees