USTLG Autumn 2002 meeting – Electronic resources – developments

Thursday 28th November 2002, John Rylands University Library of Manchester

Full report by GJ Johnson, Sciences Librarian, University of York

Anne Bell
Cardiff University
Electronic Publishing: issues and trends

Powerpoint – .ppt version (notes don’t display when viewed from here)


Powerpoint – .htm version of slides with notes


Jo Badge
Resources Guide Advisor, Biosciences and Health
Introducing the Resource Guide Advisors – 

  • Jo Badge: Biosciences and health,
  • Adam Gardner: Geography & Environmental Sciences/Studies,
  • Sarah Kelly, Engineeering,
  • Gillian Sinclair: Physical Science

Powerpoint – .ppt version


Powerpoint – .htm version of slides

Discussion groups
Physical Sciences; Bio-Geo Sciences; Engineering