Online USTLG meeting 15th May 2020

The next meeting of the
University Science and Technology Librarians’ Group (USTLG)
will be held on
Friday 15th May 2020

Online meeting via Adobe Connect
hosted by the Open University

Theme: eTextbooks, licensing and digital content in STEM

 Book your place via Eventbrite

We are carrying forward existing registrations and welcoming additional online attendees.  Attendance at the meeting is free.


09.30am – 09.45am: Welcome and Adobe Connect orientation.
09.45am – 10.15am:  Hossam Kassem and Beverley Delaney, Open, “OU Library accessibility support for Econtent.”
10.15am – 10.30am: Break.
10.30am – 11.00am: Fiona Durham, Open, “From trial to teaching; how the OU Library acquires and embeds digital content.”
11.00am – 11.15am: Break.
11.15am – 11.45am: Sarah George, Bradford, “Sit back, have a big sigh, then work around it. Experiences of print-impaired students using library resources.”
11.45am – 12.00pm: Break.
12.00pm – 12.30pm: Ruth Cammies, OU Archivist: “A laboratory in the post: An exploration of the early years of teaching science and technology at the OU.”

Register via Eventbrite for this online meeting.  Further information and a link to join the meeting will be sent to delegates a few days before the event.

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USTLG meeting 15th May 2020 moves online

We will hold the May 2020 USTLG meeting online, facilitated by our colleagues at the Open University.  More information to follow.

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USTLG meeting 15th May 2020: bookings open

The next meeting of the
University Science and Technology Librarians’ Group (USTLG)
will be held on
Friday 15th May 2020

Venue: Betty Boothroyd Library
Open University
Milton Keynes

Theme: eTextbooks, licensing and digital content in STEM

 Book your place via Eventbrite

Attendance at the meeting is free.
The usual charge for lunch is waived thanks to Content Online.


10.30am – 10.55am: Arrive and register (tea/coffee.)
11.00am – 11.05am: Welcome.
11.05am – 11.35am:  Hossam Kassem and Beverley Delaney, Open, “OU Library accessibility support for Econtent”
11.35am – 12.05pm:  Oliver Allchin and Emily Herron, Sheffield, “Evaluating ebook platforms, exploring open textbooks.”
12.05pm – 12.35pm: Content Online, Sponsor presentation.
12.35pm – 1.30pm: Lunch – sponsored by Content Online.
1.30pm – 2.00pm: Sarah Field, Kent: Facilitated group discussion on diversifying the curriculum.
2.00pm – 2.30pm: Fiona Durham, Open, “From trial to teaching; how the OU Library acquires and embeds digital content.”
2.30pm – 2.50pm: Tea/coffee.
2.50pm – 3.20pm: Sarah George, Bradford, “Sit back, have a big sigh, then work around it. Experiences of print-impaired students using library resources.”
3.20pm – 3.50pm: Ruth Cammies, OU Archivist: “A laboratory in the post: An exploration of the early years of teaching science and technology at the OU.”
3.50pm – 4.00pm: Close

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USTLG meeting May 2020

The next meeting of the University Science and Technology Librarians’ Group (USTLG) will be held on Friday 15th May 2020, hosted by the Open University in Milton Keynes.

The theme will be eTextbooks, licensing and digital content in STEM.

We will update the Next meeting page with booking information soon.

Call for speakers:
How are you managing the digital provision of resources in your subject areas?  What about diversity and accessibility? Share your experiences of challenges and possible solutions.

If you would like to speak, please contact the Chair of USTLG, Carole Rhodes.

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Autumn 2019 presentations available

Many thanks to Sue Wellings and Kath Millard from TWI Ltd for both hosting and chairing the meeting on 27th November.

Thank you to all the inspiring speakers on Innovation in libraries and to the IET for their sponsorship.

Presentations are now available from the Past meetings pages.

The next USTLG meeting will take place in May 2020 at the Open University.  If you have an idea for a theme and/or would like to speak, please contact Carole Rhodes.

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USTLG meeting 27th November 2019: bookings open

The next meeting of the
University Science and Technology Librarians’ Group (USTLG)
will be held on:
Wednesday 27th November 2019

Theme: Innovation in libraries

Venue: TWI Ltd
Granta Park, Abingdon, Cambridge

 Book your place via Eventbrite

Attendance at the meeting is free.
The usual charge for lunch is waived thanks to the IET.


10.00am – 10.30am: Tours (including friction welding demonstration.)
10.30am – 10.55am: Arrive and register (tea/coffee.)
11.00am – 11.05am: Welcome.
11.05am – 11.35am:  Sue Wellings, TWI, “Artificial intelligence – friend or foe?”
11.35am – 12.05pm: Eleanor Barker & Veronica Phillips, Cambridge, “Learning how to teach unfamiliar subjects: a case study of the academic writing courses at the University of Cambridge Medical Library.”
12.05pm – 12.35pm: Tim Aitken, IET, “New tools and methods for identifying emerging scientific trends.”
12.35pm – 1.30pm: Lunch – sponsored by the IET.
1.30pm – 2.00pm: Neil Dixon & Andrea Packwood, Anglia Ruskin, “Using Mastery learning as a method of improving information literacy competence for level 4 Science students.”
2.00pm – 2.30pm: Catherine Taylor, Leicester, “Thriving in the information wilds: embedded support for psychology students.”
2.30pm – 2.50pm: Tea/coffee.
2.50pm – 3.20pm: Tim Calvert, Bournemouth, “A new focus on training: developing CPD at Bournemouth University.”
3.20pm – 3.50pm: Iona Preston, UCL, “Creating a community of practice around systematic review support.”
3.50pm – 4.00pm: Closing remarks.
4.00pm – 4.30pm: Tours (including friction welding demonstration.)

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USTLG meeting November 2019

The next meeting of the University Science and Technology Librarians’ Group (USTLG) will be held on Wednesday 27th November 2019, hosted by TWI Ltd, Cambridge.

The theme will be Innovation in libraries.

We will update the Next meeting page with booking details soon.

Call for speakers:
What innovative things you are doing with your library environment, with your sci/tech students and with the resources you recommend? Come and tell us about it!

If you would like to speak, please contact Carole Rhodes.

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Spring 2019 presentations available

A sunny University of York was the venue for our USTLG meeting on 23rd May 2019.  We were welcomed by the Director of Library and Archives and enjoyed tours of the expansive university library.

An inspirational line-up of speakers made us feel proud of how libraries and librarians are Demonstrating impact.  Thanks to all our speakers, to our hosts at York and to EBSCO for their sponsorship.

Presentations are now available from the Past meetings pages.  The day’s tweets are captured using Wakelet.

The next USTLG meeting will take place on 27th November 2019 at TWI Ltd, Granta Park, Abingdon, Cambridge.  If you have an idea for a theme and/or would like to speak, please contact Carole Rhodes.

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USTLG meeting 23rd May 2019: bookings open

The next meeting of the
University Science and Technology Librarians’ Group (USTLG)
will be held on:
Thursday 23rd May 2019

Venue: University of York

Theme: Demonstrating impact

 Book your place via Eventbrite

Attendance at the meeting is free.
The usual charge for lunch is waived thanks to EBSCO.


10.00am – 10.30am: Library tours.
10.30am – 10.55am: Arrive and register (tea/coffee.)
11.00am – 11.05am: Welcome.
11.05am – 11.35am: Clare Ackerley, Vanya Gallimore & Tony Wilson, York, “Getting ahead without losing your head: Subject-level TEF.”
11.35am – 12.05pm: Julia Robinson, Newcastle, “Say what you see: capturing impact through academic staff.”
12.05pm – 12.35pm: Steve Giannoni, EBSCO, “EBSCO: Observations in the year we celebrate our 75th Anniversary.”
12.35pm – 1.30pm: Lunch – sponsored by EBSCO.
1.30pm – 2.00pm: Lesley English, Lancaster, “Finding your ‘library champion’: increasing engagement with the School of Computing & Communication.
2.00pm – 2.30pm: Helen Lawrence, Sunderland, “Talking to the Library: questions and answers for insight into student engagement.”
2.30pm – 2.40pm: Tea/coffee.
2.40pm – 3.10pm: Zoe Johnson & Laura Woods, Huddersfield,“Why read? Evaluating initiatives to nurture lifelong readers in HE.”
3.10pm – 3.25pm: Sam Piker, Brunel, “Impact infographics using Canva.”
3.25pm – 3.30pm: Closing remarks.
3.30pm – 4.00pm: Library tours.

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USTLG meeting May 2019

The next meeting of the University Science and Technology Librarians’ Group (USTLG) will be held on Thursday 23rd May 2019 at the University of York.

The theme will be Demonstrating impact.

We will update the Next meeting page with booking details soon.

Call for speakers:
How does your library demonstrate its impact and show the value of what you do?
Perhaps you have measured the effects of information literacy interventions or other library projects.
Or you have a case study that can illustrate how you’ve improved things for your students.
Tell us your story and share your insights.

If you would like to speak, please contact Carole Rhodes.

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