Peer Teaching: An Aston Experiment - Amanda Poulton
Supplementary Information

CILIP Learning and Teaching Courses

Learning about learning - 27 May 2004
Teaching skills - 10 November & 9 December 2004


Atherton, J. S. (2002) Learning and Teaching: Learning from experience [Online]: Available from: [accessed 16 February 2004].

Fardouly , N. �Learning Styles and experiential learning�. [Online]: Available from: [accessed 16 February 2004].

Honey, P. and Mumford, A., (1992) The Manual of Learning Styles, 3rd ed, Maidenhead : Honey Publications.

Kolb, D. A. (1984) Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. London : Prentice Hall.

Markless, S. Information Literacy: a learning-focussed approach [Online]: Available from: [accessed 16 February 2004].

Markless, S. Learning about learning rather than about teaching. 68th IFLA General Conference and Council, Libraries for life: Democracy, diversity, delivery. [Online] Available from: [accessed 16 February 2004].
