The USTLG meeting on 24th May 2017 was dynamic and interactive! Our excellent speakers guided us through a range of new techniques to try in our teaching. We learnt how to teach students Digimap by encouraging them to look for (fictional) dead bodies and we played Top Trumps with information formats. We got hands-on with some visual learning strategies, learned useful tips for video production and explained the concept of referencing by building Lego models.
The slides are available from the Past meetings pages, together with a Storify of the day’s tweets.
The meeting was a breath of fresh air for our professional practices and we enjoyed a very warm welcome from our hosts at De Montfort University. Thanks as well to our sponsors, IOP Publishing.
The next USTLG meeting will take place on Thursday 30th November 2017 at the Shrivenham campus of Cranfield University. Please send your ideas for a theme and/or offers to speak to Carole Rhodes.