USTLG Autumn 2013 meeting – What sci/tech librarians need to know

THEME: What sci/tech librarians need to know

Making an impact as a new subject librarian
Alison McNab
University of Nottingham
Presentation (PDF)
7 pillars – through an Engineering lens
Niamh Tumelty
University of Cambridge
Summary on Niamh’s blog
Marketing that FITS
Ruth Wolfish and Eszter Lucaks
Presentation (PDF) 
Developing new ways to engage our students – Camtasia and Libguides
Elizabeth Simpson
King’s College London
Presentation (PDF)
Research Data Management: Finding our role at Brunel University
Shazia Arif and Monique Ritchie
Brunel University
Presentation (PDF)

Account of the meeting by Emma Illingworth (published in SCONUL Focus)

Discussion group summaries

Below are photos of the written summaries of the discussions

Morning discussion session

  • Information Literacy  for Science/technology/engineering students

Information Literacy

Information Literacy (2)

Information Literacy (3)

Information Literacy (4)

  • Supporting Research

Research Support

Research Support (2)

  • Referencing and referencing software


  • Getting and staying up to date in Science Subject Librarianship

Staying up to date


Staying up to date (2)


Staying up to date (3)

 Afternoon discussion session

  • Ebooks


Ebooks (2)

  • Social Media

Social media

Social Media (2)

Social Media (3)

  • Research Data Management

Research data management

  • How to cope with Increasing student numbers

Increasing student numbers

Increasing student numbers (2)

  • Top teaching tips – bring and share

Top teaching tips

Find out more…

A storify of the tweets from the day USTLG Storify

Please get in touch if we can add your blog posts about the day

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